Saturday, April 23, 2011

Berkeley`e kus ziyareti

Bu sabah Berkeleyde Chloe ve John un Conure larini gormeye gittik.Saat 10 da bulusmak uzere sozlesmistik ve bir iki defa kaybolduktan sonra 10 da eve vardik.Conures gercekten cok tatli. Bence en guzel papagan cinsi.
Sunconure Linus Charleyi mest etti

Linus buyuk bir calimla kafeste gerileyip gerileyip bize dogru ataklar yapiyordu. John dan baska kimseye kendini elletmemek gibi bir huyu oldugundan bir turlu adopt edinilmemis.
Beni cezbeden ise LoiLou oldu. Garibim yoluk tavuk gibi, Chloenin omuzunda oldugu surece mutlu ama orda degilse tuylerini yoluyormus.
Ardindan Pireya nin evine Walnuta yollandik. Ordada Willow ile tanistik. Willow ringneck. Cok gosterisli bir kus ve bize bir dolu numara yapti.
gayet guzelde konusuyormus ama ancak biz odadan cikinca konustu.
Donuste Petkoda durup bir Russian kaplumbaga aldik.Ne zamandir konusuyorduk artik bir kaplumbagamizda var. Hala ona bir isim bulamadik ama kutusuna yerlesti.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Where is our spring?

Bu sene havalar gercekten bir acayip. Hava bir turlu adam gibi isinmadi.
Gecen hafta diktigim hemen herseyi kaybettim.Ama iatla bu hafta gene cantalupe, spagetti pumkin ve tabii cucumber diktim.

Salataliklar 12 tane bir kismi tamami olen pealerin yerine bir saksida kendiliginden buyumus benim malum domateslerin fideleri ile birlikte green houseun yanina diktim.Cantalupelar misirlarin arasina gitti. GH yanina gecen hafta diktigim tohumlardan(salatalik ve fasulye hala haber yok.
Ama hafta sonu koca bir tabak pea topladim. Tabii salatalar hala greenhousedan geliyor.Bu arada Michigan Bulb buyuk bir jest yapip cone flower ve hydrengialari yeniden yolluyor.
Greenhouse kesin bir elden gecip gubrelenmek istiyor. Pealeri sokup domates ve biberlere yer acmak lazim.Hafta sonu cumartesi deck ve patio temizlendi. Pazar gunude nerdeyse kalp krizi gecirdigi icin biraz daha agirdan aldik.Hava fena degildi ama pazartesi gene su koydu.Yagmur yok ama kasvetli ve soguk.Charley HR dan haber bekliyor. Hafta sonu kuslari gormeye gidecegiz ama dogrusu ya simdilerde herhangi birsey almak istedigimden emin degilim.

Friday, April 08, 2011


Bu hafta pazartesi ve sali izin aldigim icin kisa bir hafta oldu.Cuma daha hizli geldi. Ama dun aksam cocuklarla bowlinge gittigimiz icin bu aksam tursu gibiydik.Yaslanmak bu olsa gerek:)8 de yataga girip film seyrettik 10 da kalkip ev de bir tur atip browny yedik.Ve yataga geri donduk..Dogrusu ya bunu yazdiktan sonra uyumaya hazirim.
Aksam ustu sebzelerimi ziyaret ettim.Baklalar ufaktan gorunmeye baslamis.
Bezelyelerden bir avuc toplamistim,yarin biraz daha cikarsa bir yemeklik olur.Kotu haber salataliklarin hepsi oldu.Cantalupeda kayboldu ortadan. Okra ve melonlar daha dayaniyor gibi.Zuccini ve biberler ise keyifli bile..
Domatesler de kayboldular. Dun ve bugun oyle soguktu ki herseyin olmedigine sasmamali. Gecen haftaki 80 lerden sonra tam bir rezalet bu hafta. Onumuzdeki persembeye kadar hava serin kalacakmis. Yarin rodeoya gitmeyi planliyorduk ama belki evde kalmak daha akillica olacak. Pazar gunu ise sabah Robinle kahvalti ve oglende papagan grubunu evde agirlamak var.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Chicken Poop

Bu sabah Timothylere gidip kumeslerindeki samanlari topladik.Compost icin harika material.Bu arada papaganlarini da gorduk. Iki African gray ve bir senegal. Senegal yada Conare ile gitmeye karar verdik.Africanlar bile ilk kus icin buyuk.
Eve gelirken Walmarta ugradik Sammynin benchi icin foam bakmaya. Foam yoktu ama iki lavanta ve bir paket daha zuccini aldim.Ardindan Home depotda yeni bir Nar agaci buldum.Bir doluda sebze aldim.Yarin raised bed ler tamamlanacak.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Three sisters

Three sisters kizilderililerin uyguladigi bir ekim teknigi imis. Misir, fasulye ve kabak birlikte dikildikleri zaman etkili bir gelisim geciriyorlarmis. Misir fasulyeye destek verip sirik vazifesi goruyor ve bal kabaginin yapraklari da topragi golgeleyip islak tutuyormus. Tabii hemen yontemi uyguladim. Sanirim benim misirlar biraz fazla yakin oldu birbirine gorecegiz nasil buyuyecekler. Misirlar ve fasulyelerin bir kismi Summerwindden alindi.
Home Depot dan pahali ama cok daha saglikli fideleri. Bu arada sans eseri kerevizleri buldum Summerwindde ve 12 tane aldim. 8 tanesi saksilara 2 taneside veggi gardenda muslugun altina yerlesti.
Ertesi gun Home Depotdan iki Blueberry daha aldim. Aldigim chinese cabbagelar dikilir dikilmez yenip bitirildi.O bolgeyi ilaclamam lazim.
Bir sekilde bu hafta sonu veggi gardeni adam etmem lazim. Otlar toplanacak.Agaclarin altlari havalandirilip gubrelenip mulclanacak vede tabii domatesler icin yeni dikim alanlari yaratilacak:) Evet domatesler orda burda gorunmeye basladilar.:) Siki bir temizlik ve hazirlik gerek.
Bu arada Charley yatak odasi kapisi icin deligi acmaya basladi bile.Umarim hafta sonuna kadar biterde bu hafta sonu birde onla ugrasmaya baslamayiz.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Still raining

Bugun mackaboo papagan grubunun egitimine gittik.Foster papagan fikri hala gelisiyor:)
Eve dondugumuzde yagmur durur gibi olmustu hemen yeni aldigim roma domatesi kapip greenhousea diktim.
Hydrengianin saksisini degistirip begonyayida daha genis bir saksiya aldim. Greenhousedaki ispanaklar cosmus durumdaydi onlardan biraz topladim aksam yemeginde salata icin ardindanda nerden geldi ise green houseda buyuyen hala karnibaharmi yoksa brocollimi oldugunu cikaramadigim 7-8 fideyi disariya tasiyip diktim.Dun Home Depotda buldugum Goji Berrye bir yer bulmam lazim.. Artik bahar gelsin..Yagmurdan fenalik basti..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rain and cold back

Yagmur geri geldi ve bu sabah hava gene soguktu. Aksam ustu bitkileri kontrol ettigimde Gojiberrylerin hemen hemen tamamen gittigini gordum. Green housedaki seedlingdede bir dolu sinek var

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Bu hafta sonu bahcede tam bir bahar temiligi ile gecti. Cumartesi arabalar yikandi ve icleri temizlendi ve drive wayler pressure washer ile yikandi. Resmen renkleri degisti.Pazar gunu ise once on bahcedeki patio temizlendi ardindanda arka bahce patio yikandi ve toplandi. Simdi oturabilecek gibi ikisi de.
Bu arada filizlenen 3 nilufer saksiya dikildi ve disarda cam vazoya kondu.Umarim gelisirlerde havuza dikebilirim.
Bu arada bahceninde bir iki resmini cektim.

Leylak cicek acmaya basladi.Kamelya tamamen tomurcuklarla kapli ve African daisyler inanilmaz renkleri ile cosmus durumda. Agaclarda ciceklendi.Arka bahcede elma pembe ciceklerle kapli(Ondeki simdilik bekliyor)Bu sene ihlamurda ciceklenir umarim.Belki kurutma sansim olur
Bu nectarin ve erik agaci seftalinin asilandigi dal korkarim oldu.Limonlarin uzeri dolu ama portakalda henuz bir hareket yok. 
Kiwilerde yapraklanmaya basladi bakalim bu sene cicek acacaklarmi.Meyve vermeye baslarlarsa cok sevinecegim.

Greenhouse daki ispanak ve turplar cosmus durumda.Bezelyelerde cicek acmaya basladilar.Bu bezelyeler oldukca degisik, cicekleri pembe eflatun ..

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Off Day

Bugun DMV ye gidip expire olmus ehliyetimi adam etmek icin iin aldim. Sabah 8 de DMV deydik ve 15 kisilik bir kuyruk vardi ve malefes carsambalari 9 da acilirmis. Charleynin oflanip poflanmasini dinlemeden beklemek icin israr ettim iyi de etmisim. Ehliyetler posta ile geliyormus. Ardindan kaiser kah tahlili vede goz muayenesi. Saat 2 ye dogru eve donduk. Hemen bahceye firlayip Canna lar ile Dahliyalari diktim. Kmarttan aldigim mesclun tohmlarini da yeni saksiya diktim.
Hafta sonu diktigim zuccinileri sulamak gerekti.Yagmur yagdi ama anlasilan yeterli degil.Iki tanede yeni tohum yatagi alip aycicekleri ve domatesleri diktim.Canna larin bir kismi da on bahcede diger cannalarin yanina yerlestirdim. Diger cannalar arka bahcede sol fence in onunde elephant earlerle beraber.
Tam oturmaya niyetlenirken postadan Walking Egyptian onionlar cikti.Onlarda son yaptigimiz raised bed de zucciniler yanina yerlesti. Dukan diette salata yemedigim icin ellemedim ama greenhousedaki ispanaklar ve kaleler bayagi buyumus toplanmayi bekliyorlar.
Bu arada ayagimi da incittim tam bahceye cikarken ters bastim bilegimin ustune.Umarim sorun cikarmaz.

Monday, March 07, 2011

New Plants

Cumartesi Costco da koca torbalarda cicek soganlarini gorunce dayanamadim. 18 tuberlik bir Border Dahlia Max paketi kaptim. Pazar gunu 6 si On Bahcede ki fencin onune 6 si da On bahcede Pationun onune dikildi.
Daha 6 tane daha var ve onlarda Arka Bahcede Veggi garden Fenci onune dikildi.
Charley Telden kucuk sepetler yapti ama hepsi icin olmadigindan bir kismini aciga diktim.
Home Depotdan 8 domates fidesi alip green house a diktim ayrica 8 tanede zuccini disarda barnin onundeki raised bed a dikildi. Trumpet Vine, Hummingbird 3 u BY Left fence 1i de FY Left fence dikildi.

Artic domates tohumlari ebayden geldi.Dikilecek.
Elephant ears Cannas  arka bahcede Left Fence onune dikilecek
Dahliyalar Veggie fence onune dikilecek.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Plant List

 Plant Name Plant type Amount Places Dates Source

Calendula Annual 6 Under the tree 3/7/2010 Home Depot

Lisianthus Annual 2 FY front fence 8/13/2010 Summervillle

Poppy Annual 12 BY Front of Veggie fence 3/7/2010 Home Depot

Hollyhock Biennial 8 BY Back fence Lowes

Hollyhock Biennial 4 BY Veggie fence 4/19/2009 Lowes

Hollyhoke Biennial 6 BY Veggie fence 4/30/2009 Summerwind

Hollyhoke Biennial 6 FY front fence 4/30/2009 Summerwind

Hollyhoke Chates Double Biennial 2 FY front fence 3/28/2009 Summerwind

Hollyhoke Indian Spring Biennial 6 BY Left fence 6/7/2009 Summerwind

Hollyhoke Indian Spring Biennial 2 FY left corner 3/28/2009 Summerwind

Shasta Daisy Biennial 6 BY Back fence 6/7/2009 Summerwind

Shasta Daisy Biennial 4 BY Front of Veggie fenceL Summerwind

Anemone Bulbs 30 BY Under the tree 8/29/2009 Home depot

Begonia Bulbs 2 Pot Gorcery

Cannas Bulbs 25 BY Left fence 4/15/2009 Costco

Cannas Bulbs 6 FY Right side of fence 3/28/2009 HomeDepot

Cannas Bulbs 15 FY-Leftside 4/16/2009 Costco

Cyclamen Bulbs 8 Pot Home Depot

Daffodill Bulbs 17 BY Back fence Wallmart

Daffodill Bulbs 75 BY Front of Veggie fencePatio front HomeDepot

Daffodill Bulbs 66 FY Side of walkway 4/16/2009 Costco

Daffodill Bulbs 9/10/2010 Home Depot

Dahlia Bulbs 25 Gate Pot 4/25/2009 different places

Dahlia Border Mix Bulbs 3 BY Front of Veggie fencePatio front MichiganBulbs

Elephant Ear Bulbs 10 BY Left fence Ebay

Gladiola Bulbs 65 FY Side of walkway 4/16/2009

Gladiola Glamini Bulbs 25 BY Veggie Garden fence 4/23/2009 Van Bourgendien

Gladiola Nova lux Bulbs 30 BY Back fence 4/25/2009 Costco

Gladiola traderhorn-White Prospety Bulbs 52 BY Left fence 4/18/2009 Costco-DUTCHBULBS

Hosta Bulbs 10 BY Back fence 5/3/2009

Hosta Bulbs 4 BY Under the tree 5/3/2009

Hyacinth Bulbs 7 BY Under the tree 8/30/2009 Home depot

Hyacinth Bulbs 6 FY wood cart 12/20/2009 Home depot

Iris Bearded Cherub`s Smile Bulbs 2 BY Back fence 5/9/2009 Wallmart

Iris Bearded Full Tide Bulbs 2 BY Back fence 5/9/2009 Wallmart

Iris Dutch Discovery Bulbs 20 BY Back fence 5/9/2009 Costco

Iris Tennison Ridge Bulbs 2 BY Back fence 5/9/2009 Van Bourgendien

Liatris Mixed Bulbs 6 10/6/2009 MichiganBulbs

Lily OF THE VALLEY Bulbs 12 Pot 10/6/2009 MichiganBulbs

Lily ZantedeschiaCapitain Romance Bulbs 4 FY Front of Kitchen window 5/3/2009 Costco

Paeonia Bulbs 2 FY Porch 4/25/2009

Paeonia Bulbs 2 FY Porch 4/15/2009

Paeonia ‘Buckeye Belle’ Bulbs 4 FY Porch 3/14/2009 Costco

Peacock Orchid Bulbs Bulbs 3 Directgardening

Ranunculus Bulbs 30 BY Under the tree 8/30/2009 Home depot

Ranunculus Giant Bulbs 3 Directgardening

Triplet Lily Bulbs 3 Directgardening

Tulip Bulbs 24 BY Back fence 4/25/2009 Wallmart

Tulip Bulbs 50 FY Side of walkway 3/14/2009

WHITE BLAZING STAR Bulbs 10 BY Under the tree 4/15/2009 BLOOMS@DUTCHBULBS.

Black Berry Fruit 1 BY Back fence 3/15/2009 Old House

Black Berry Fruit 3 BY Back fence 5/23/2009 Nursery

Black berry-Black Satin Thornless Fruit 3 BY Back fence 5/28/2009 Directgardening

Blueberry Fruit 1 BY Back fence 5/4/2009 Home Depot

Blueberry Fruit 1 BY Patio Front 5/6/2009 Home Depot

Blueberry Fruit 1 BY Patio Front 9/9/2010 Home Depot

Goji Berry Fruit 2 MichiganBulbs

Indian Current Fruit 2 BY Back fence 4/18/2009 Tranplant

KIWI FRUIT Fruit 1 BY Veggie Garden fence Wellspring Gardens

KIWI FRUIT Female Fruit 1 BY Veggie fence 5/7/2010 Summerwind

KIWI FRUIT Male Fruit 1 BY Veggie fence 2/5/2010 Summerwind

Raspberry Fruit 1 BY Back fence 12/28/2009 Lowes

Raspberry Fruit 1 BY Back fence 4/16/2009 Lowes

Raspberry Fruit 1 BY Back fence-behind the tree 2/5/2010 Summerwind

Raspberry Collection Fruit 6 BY Back fence 5/28/2009 Directgardening

Raspberry-heritage Fruit 2 BY Front of barn 1/14/2010 Wagner Nurcery

Raspberry-red Fruit 2 BY Front of barn 1/14/2010 Wagner Nurcery

Strawberry Fruit 1 BY Under the tree 4/23/2009

Strawberry Fruit 6 BY Under the tree 5/23/2009

Strawberry Fruit 12 BY Under the tree 2/6/2010 Home Depot

Purple Fountain Grass runrum Grass 1 Pot 9/23/2009 Home Depot

Thyme Groundcover 12 BY Near Pond Summerwind

Celery Herb 4 Under the tree-pot 5/8/2009 Summerwind

Feverfew Herb 4 BY Veggie fence 4/19/2009 Home Depot

Horse Radish Herb 1 BY Veggie 5/3/2009

Large Leaf Italian Basil Herb MichiganBulbs

Lemon Grass Herb 1 BY Veggie fenceR

LemonBalm Herb 1 BY Veggie fenceR 4/20/2009 Tranplant

LemonVerbena Herb 1 BYNear the steps 8/27/2010 Farmers market

Levander-cotton Herb 6 FY Front of Kitchen window Wagner Nurcery

Oregano Herb 8 BY Front of Veggie fenceL 4/25/2009 HomeDepot

Oregano Herb 1 Pot 9/3/2009 urban garden

Rosemary Herb 1 BY Front of Veggie fenceR 5/9/2009

Rosemary Herb 3 BY Veggie fenceR 4/20/2009 Tranplant

Sage Herb 4 BY Veggie fenceL 4/19/2009 Home Depot

Society garlic Herb 3 Pot 5/3/2009

Society Garlic Herb 4 Pot 5/3/2009

Thyme Herb 1 BY Front of Veggie fenceR 4/23/2009

Thyme Herb 8 BY Near Pond 8/30/2009 Home depot

Ficus lyrata House Plant 1 Pot 6/21/2009 Lowes

Maranta House Plant 1 House-Pot 6/21/2009 Lowes

Pampa Grass Ornamental 1 BY Near Fountain

Pampa Grass Ornamental 1 Front of house

Pampa Grass Ornamental 1 FYOutside

Acnistus Australis Perennial 1 Pot 8/28/2010 Farmers market

Argyranthemum-margarite daisy Perennial 12 FY Side of walkway 7/21/2010 Lowes

Astilbe Perennial 1 FY Front of Kitchen window 5/23/2009 Summerwind

Astilbe Perennial 4 FY Right side of fence 4/24/2009 Costco

Astilbe Mix Perennial 3 BY-Under the tree 4/15/2009 Van Bourgendien

Astilbe Mix Perennial 3 FY Right side of fence 4/24/2009 Van Bourgendien

Astilbe, Pink Perennial 3 Directgardening

Azelia Perennial 2 FY Front of Kitchen window 8/1/2009 Home Depot

Azelia Perennial 1 FY Leftside 9/10/2010 Home Depot

Azelia Perennial 1 Pot 7/6/2009 Home Depot

Bleeding heart (Dicentra) Perennial 1 BY under the tree 6/21/2009 Home Depot

Calla Lily Perennial 3 BY Left fence 5/8/2009 Wallmart

Calla lily Perennial 1 FY Front of Kitchen window 5/9/2009 Wallmart

Calla Lily Giant Perennial 2 BYPatio 5/8/2009 Van Bourgendien

Calla Lily(Zantedeschia) Perennial 6 BY Left fence 5/8/2009 Costco

Camellia Perennial 1 BYPatio 4/25/2009 Costco

Camellia Perennial 1 FY 10/30/2009

Campanula Perennial 6 BY Front of Veggie fenceL Summerwind

Chamelaucium 'Matilda' Perennial 2 FY Side of walkway 1/14/2010 Wagner Nurcery

Chrysanthemums Perennial 1 Pot HomeDepot

Clerodendion-mexican Hydrangia Perennial 1 BY Left fence 9/5/2010 Gilroy NurseryGrassFarm

Coneflower Perennial 9 BY Front of Veggie fenceL MichiganBulbs

CUSHION MUMS Perennial 6 Pot 10/6/2009 MichiganBulbs

Daisy Perennial 6 BY Front of Veggie fence 3/7/2010 Home Depot

Delphinium Perennial 6 BY Front of Veggie fence Summerwind

Dwarf White Daisy Perennial 1 FY Front of fence 5/8/2010 Home Depot

Echinacea Perennial 1 BY Front of Veggie fenceL 4/2/2010 Summerwind

Echinacea Perennial 2 BY Patio Front 4/30/2009 Old House

Elephant Ear Caladium Perennial 2 BY Left fence Directgardening

Fern Tree Perennial 1 FY-Front of kitchen window 4/16/2009 House

FOOTBALL MUM MIX Trophy Red Perennial 1 pot 10/6/2009 MichiganBulbs

Foxglove Perennial 2 BY Left fence 5/23/2009

Foxglove Perennial 3 BY left fence 5/9/2009 Van Bourgendien

Foxglove Perennial 6 BY left fence 6/7/2009 Summerwind

Foxglove Perennial 6 Summerwind

Foxglove Mix Perennial 3 BY Back fence Van Bourgendien

Foxglove Mix Perennial 3 BY Front of Veggie fence R 5/3/2009 BLOOMS@DUTCHBULBS.

Gardenia Perennial 1 FY Front of Kitchen window 9/6/2009 Home Depot

Gardenia Perennial 1 Pot 2/17/2011 Home Depot

Geranium Perennial 3 Pot 5/23/2009 HomeDepot

Gerbera Perennial 5 BYFrontof VeggieFence 5/1/2010

Gerbera Perennial 4 FY Patio 5/3/2009

Gerbera Perennial 4 FY Side of walkway 4/30/2009

Hibiscus Perennial 1 BY Veggie fenceR 9/6/2009 HomeDepot

Hibiscus Perennial Pot 9/7/2010 HomeDepot

Hydrangea Perennial 1 BY Front of Patio 4/23/2009

Hydrangea Perennial 1 FY Front of Kitchen window 5/24/2009

Hydrangea Perennial 2 FY Front of Left fence

Hydrangea Perennial 1 FY-Front of kitchen window 4/21/2009

Hydrangea ANNABELLE Perennial 2 MichiganBulbs

Hydrangea Blue Moon Perennial 3 MichiganBulbs

Hydrangea Collection, Red/White/Blue Perennial 3 Directgardening

Hydrangea(Blue) Perennial 1 BY Front of Max house 5/9/2009

Hydrangea-Mophead Perennial 2 BY Left fence 3/8/2010 Home Depot

Hydrangea-Mophead Perennial 1 FY-Front of kitchen window 1/23/2010 Lowes

Hydrangea-Peegee Perennial 1 BY Front of Patio 1/23/2010 Lowes

Laurustinus Perennial 2 BY Left fence 1/14/2010 MichiganBulbs

Lilac JOSEE REBLOOMING Perennial 1 Pot 10/6/2009 MichiganBulbs

Lilac Old Fashion Perennial 1 BY Front of Patio 5/3/2009

Lilac Old Fashion Perennial 2 FY front fence 5/23/2009

Lilac Purple Perennial 1 FY front fence 3/14/2009 Costco

Lilac White Perennial 1 FY front fence 3/15/2009 Costco

Missouri Evening Primrose Perennial 2 MichiganBulbs

Mock Orange Perennial 2 Pot Home Depot

Oleander Perennial 1 BY Front of Patio 4/25/2009 Tranplant

Oleander Perennial 1 FY Front of Kitchen window 5/24/2009 Home Depot

Osteospermums Perennial 2 FY Side of walkway 4/14/2010 Home Depot

Osteospermums Perennial 12 FY Side of walkway 1/30/2001 Home Depot

Paeonia Perennial 1 FY Doorside 10/15/2009 Summerwind

Paeonia COLLECTION Perennial 4 Pot

Paeonia COLLECTION Perennial 1 Urn 10/6/2009 MichiganBulbs

Painted Daisy Perennial 6 BY Front of Veggie fenceL

Painted Daisy Perennial 2 FY Patio 5/3/2009

Painted Daisy Perennial 6 Pot 10/6/2009 MichiganBulbs

Peony giant double perennial 1 Directgardening

Pieris "Red Head" Perennial 1 BY Front of Veggie fenceL 6/7/2009

Pink daisyPyrethrum Perennial 2 BY Veggie Garden fence 4/23/2009

Rose Perennial 1 BY Patio Front 12/28/2009 Lowes

Rose Perennial 1 BY Patio Front 5/10/2009 HomeDepot

Rose Perennial 3 FY front fence

Rose (kiss me) Perennial 1 BY Patio Front 5/10/2009 Lowes

Rose A Shropshire Lad(David Austin) Perennial 1 BY Patio Left

Rose Bush Perennial 2 BY Patio Left 5/8/2010 HomeDepot

Rose CrownP.M.Climbing(DavidAustin) Perennial 1 BY Front of Max house

Rose Tree Perennial 1 BY Patio Left 5/7/2010 Summerville

Rose Tree Perennial 3 FY-BY 4/14/2009 Costco

Rudbeckia Perennial 6 BY Front of Veggie fenceL 6/7/2009 Summerwind

Rudbeckia hirta Perennial 6 BY Front of Veggie fenceL 6/7/2009 Summerwind

Shamrock Flowering perennial 4 Directgardening

Shasta Daisy Perennial 2 Pot 3/7/2010 Home Depot

Trumpet Vine, Hummingbird Perennial 4 Directgardening

Veronica Rubra

Veronica Rubra

Veronica Rubra_Hebe"Evansil" Perennial 1 FY-Leftside 1/30/2001 Home Depot

Veronica Rubra

Veronica Rubra_Hebe"Evansil" Perennial 1 FY-Leftside 1/30/2001 Home Depot

Jade Succuelent 1 BY Front of Patio

Jade Succuelent 1 FY Patio

Jade Succuelent 1 Pot

Yucca Grass Succulent 2 BY Near Pond

Yucca Grass Succulent 1 FYOutside

Alberta cypress Tree 1 FY 4/30/2009

Apple Tree 1 BY Behind Greenhouse 5/9/2009

Apple Tree 1 FY 7/17/2010 Summerwind

Avocado Tree 1 BY Summerwind

Avocado Tree 1 BY 10/12/2009 Summerwind

Avocado Hass Tree 1 BY Home depot

Banana COMMERCIAL PLANT WILLIAMS HYBRID Tree 1 BY Front of Patio Wellspring Gardens

Banana COMMERCIAL PLANT WILLIAMS HYBRID Tree 2 Pot Wellspring Gardens

Cherry Tree 1 FY 12/28/2009 Lowes

Fig Tree 1 BY Behind Greenhouse 5/23/2009 Home Depot

Linden Shamrock Tree 1 FY front fence 4/1/2009 naturehill nursery

Magnolia Tree 1 FY 8/9/2010 HomeDepot

Mulberry, Russian Tree 1 Directgardening

Nectarine Tree 1 FY 7/17/2010 Summerwind

Olive tree Tree 1 BY 5/3/2009 Old House

Olive tree Tree 2 Pot 6/25/2010 Berrypicking

Orange tree Tree 1 BY Back fence 5/3/2009 Lowes

Peach tree Tree 1 BY Veggie Garden 5/23/2009 nursery

Plumeria Tree 1 Pot 5/3/2009

Quince Tree 1 Pot 8/27/2010 Summerwind

Red Maple Tree 1 Pot 4/15/2009 Tranplant

Willow, Weeping Tree 1 Directgardening

Yucca Tree 1 Pot Anahid

Artichoke Veggie 3 BY Front of Patio 12/16/2010 Summerwind

Asparagus Veggie 200 BY Back fence-behind the tree Ebay

Rhubarb Veggie 2 BY VGBack Guest house 12/15/2010 Summerwind

Bougainvillea Vine 1 Pot 7/2/2010 Home Depot

Cathedral Bells-Cobaea Scandens Vine Vine 4 Pot 1/24/2011 From Seeds

Clematis Vine 1 FY front fence 4/25/2009 HomeDepot

Grape Thomson seedles Vine 1 BY Front of Patio 4/16/2009

Grape Thomson seedles Vine 1 BY Front of Patio 3/28/2009 Lowes

HoneySuckle Vine 1 BY Front of guest house 5/26/2009

HoneySuckle Vine 1 BY Front of Patio 4/25/2009 HomeDepot

Jasmine Vine 1 BY Deck Home Depot

Jasmine Vine 1 FY Patio 3/28/2009 Lowes

Silver Lace Vine Vine 1 FYLeft C.of Front fence

Wisteria Vine 1 BY Front of Max house 4/1/2009

Wisteria Vine 1 FY left corner 3/28/2009

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Garden Season Almost Here

Hernekadar hava durumunda bir haftadir kar beklendigi soylenip dursada dun ve bugun hava gunluk guneslikti. Hatta bahcede yeni bir raised bed kurup tere ekecek kadar da iyiydi.
Bugun ayrica Cherokee Tomato, Globe Basil, Regular Basil ve Celery tohumlari ektim.

Tomato Pole Cherokee Purple Organic Heirloom Seed(Botanical Interests)

 Tomato Pole Cherokee Purple Organic Heirloom Seed
When to start inside: 6-9 weeks before the average last spring frost.

Special Sowing & Germination Instructions: when transplanting seedlings outside, bury the roots and stem up to the first set of leaves horizontally. Curve the stem above the ground to a vertical position. The stem will sprout roots and develop a strong root system.

Harvesting: Harvest tomatoes when firm and fully colored. Lots of green tomatoes near the end of the season? Cut roots with a shovel on two sides: stress will hasten the maturity of existing tomatoes. Also, 1 month before frost, clip all blossoms off plant. If light frost is predicted, hang plants upside down in a dark basement or place green tomatoes between sheets of newspaper and check daily.

Basil Greek Spicy Globe Greek Seed(Botanical Interests)
Basil Greek Spicy Globe Greek Seed 6-8 weeks before transplanting outside.

Special Germination Instructions: Easy to grow from seed. Must have warm soil temperatures. Wait to plant until nighttime temperatures are above 50 degrees.

Sucessive Plantings Recommended. Every 3 or 4 weeks after initial planting.

Harvesting Basil leaves should be harvested before the plant flowers. The young, top leaves taste the best and should be used fresh. The older leaves may be used for vinegar and pesto. To harvest most of the plant, cut the main stem, leaving at least 3 pairs of leaves near the ground--plant will regrow and produce additional leaves. (You can prolong the harvest period by pinching off flower buds to maintain flavor.) If there is any chance of temperatures dropping to 32 degrees, harvest crop immediately. The best time to harvest any herb is in the morning, after the dew dries, but before it gets too warm. Alternatively, you could harvest in the early evening.


Start indoors 10 weeks before outdoor planting date. Broadcast evenly over well-watered soil and cover lightly. When 2 inches tall, thin to 2 inches apart. Transplant outdoors when the plants are 4 inches tall. Place in well-cultivated soil and keep watered.
Days to Germination: 14 - 20 Days
Days to Harvest: 125 - 125 Days
Planting Depth: 0.125 - 0.125 Inches
Plant Spacing: 8 - 8 Inches
Spacing Rows: 36 - 36 Inches

Elephant Ear

Ayrica dun gelen Elephant Ear soganlari Arka bahcede soldaki fence onune dikildi.
10 Adet(9 kucuk 1 buyuk)
Generally Colocasia are grown outside in semi-tropical and tropical areas (In zones 8 and 9 they survive year round in the ground). They can be grown in northern areas but must be dug up for the winter months. In southern states they grow best in partial shade, but in northern states the can tolerate full sun and thrive in humid weather. Grow in fertile, humus-rich, moist or wet, slightly acidic soil. They need plenty of water. We find it difficult to over-water these plants as they can learn to grow directly in ponds in your yard. If you choose to grow them in pots, then self watering pots with a reservoir will reduce your watering chores. The pots should allow room for tubers to produce next year’s corms. Also, if you are putting in pots outside then they should be heavy enough to reduce any incidence of blowing over in high winds.

Colocasias are heavy feeders. Grown best in fertile, humus-rich, moist or wet, slightly acidic soil. Regular fertilizing every month is good during the growing season. A balanced, 20-20-20 fertilizer is fine. If your elephant ears do not produce quick lush growth, they need either more heat, more water or more nitrogen
•Elephant Ears need moderate water. Water the plant one every two to three days.
•Adult Elephant Ear plants will grow the fastest if you re-plant the Elephant Ear about six months after initially planting it..
•Relocating Elephant Ears can put the plant in a state of shock. This can be easily identified as the leaves appear to by dying. Do not be discouraged, the plant will re-grow after a few weeks..
•Be sure to remove ALL of the plant roots when removing or relocating the Elephant Ear plant.
•I can't imagine why you would do this, but do not eat the leaves of the plant. Elephant Ear plants are poisonous..


Annual Herb. This large leaf type originated in Italy where it was selected for its flavor in making pesto. These productive plants belong in every herb garden. Easy to grow.

Start seed indoors near a sunny window 6 weeks before transplanting to the garden. Or, sow in garden in full sun when frost danger is over and ground is warm. Performs best in rows 2 feet apart. Thin plants to 10 inches apart when they are 2 inches tall.

Height: 22 to 22 Inches
Days to Germination: 5 - 10 Days
Planting Depth: 0.25 - 0.25 Inches
Plant Spacing: 10 - 10 Inches
Preserve By: Drying